Marie Margenau-Spatz, Ph.D. |
Marie Margenau-Spatz, Ph.D. is an Executive and Life Coach, and by the way, an internationally-known licensed psychologist, certified NLP Trainer, Approved Consultant & Certified Therapist in EMDR, certified Ericksonian Hypnotherapist and certified Family Therapist. Her direct and heartfelt approach has brought clarity of purpose and personal transformation to those she has encountered in her 27 years of practice. In addition to the variety of workshops she designs and conducts, she enhances the lives of many through life coaching, executive coaching, and Tele-Groups.
Dr. Margenau-Spatz is also the creator and President of Making It Happensm (MIH). MIH seminars are an innovative three-part series of solution-oriented processes for accomplishment and transformation. With her husband and partner, Richard Eric Spatz, J.D. - former copywriter and criminal trial attorney, now a Making It Happen seminar leader, shaman, and personal success coach – Marie conducts the Making It Happen seminar series for a dynamic mix of individuals from corporate, creative and varied fields. Making It Happensm also offers workshops for Couples, Stress Management, services for business training and executive coaching, conflict resolution, and life coaching. Dr. Margenau-Spatz has participated as a psychological expert on television on such topics as “Dealing with sexual harassment in the workplace;” she has been interviewed on numerous TV and radio programs.
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“Marie is a bridge between the heart and the mind, the spirit and the body.” S.R. Mediator, New York City
Personal Statement I made my life career decision to help people when I was an adolescent. Even though I had talents in other areas – I had won prizes in art shows, horseback riding dressage competitions, and in selling contests (my parents were business people) – I felt that “even if I help just a few people with their lives” that my life would have a creative, meaningful purpose. I am a licensed New York State Psychologist with a traditional foundation at New York University in psychoanalytic and behavior therapy. Yet, the Artist-Adventurer-Mystic in me has taken me on many journeys which have involved me with life-long learning. I was a Feminist Therapist in the early 1970’s, and part of the steering committee of our Feminist Therapy Collective in New York City. I have studied and have been involved with Behavior Therapy, Psychodrama, Primal, EST, and have studied with various Shamans. I am certified at the Trainer level in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), and I served on the International Association for NLP Board for years; I have also been a Board member of the Manhattan Psychological Association. I do Ericksonian Hypnosis, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), both of which can be used as performance enhancement techniques, and Imago Relationship Therapy. Our Making It Happensm processes fit into either seminar, therapy, or coaching formats. Huna provides the spiritual piece that umbrellas all of my work. The ancient Hawaiians believed that when body, mind, and Spirit (the Three Selves) are aligned, miracles can happen (and so do I!)