What characteristics are typical of the people who tend to work with me? I’ve worked with accomplished individuals who are diplomats, award-winning directors, actors, authors and songwriters, concert artists, and many other individuals from diverse occupations. What all of these individuals have in common is that they have encountered obstacles, they are seeking to make a change in their lives, and they are looking for support. These people have and are benefiting from my skills to help them set goals, solve problems and make changes. Yet, no matter what life work someone has, my clients tend to share similar characteristics. If when you look at these qualities and you feel that they fit you well, you are likely someone with whom I could work well. “What makes Marie Margenau-Spatz so effective as a coach is her ability to listen not only with her mind, but also with her heart.” M.C., Boston, MA Client Characteristics Open-Minded - You are able to think through things from various perspectives, and you are open to new ideas. You love to learn. Value Integrity and Genuineness – You are an honest person, representing yourself in a sincere fashion. You are down to earth and authentic. Hard Worker – You are committed to success. You do what you say you will do, and sometimes more, never less. Team Work and Excellence – You value mutually supportive relationships. The more we get to know each other, the more productive our alliance becomes. As a group member, you do your share and you work for the success of the group. Self-Starter – When we come up with action steps, you take responsibility for what you commit to. You use a coach mainly for support, accountability, holding your agenda, feedback, and remembering what is most important to you. What does The Change Works Coaching stand for? C – Courage and Commitment. In the words of W.H. Murray: “Until one is committed there is always hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness…(Yet) the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too…A whole stream of events issue from the decision, raising in one’s favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man would have dreamt would come his way.” H – Happiness and the Flow State comes from the act of making a commitment. You find that you are using your strengths and you are achieving a state of transcendence as you engage in those activities which you value and love. A – Attitude, Alignment with Purpose and Values, Action. When you are aligned with your greatest values and have cleaned and cleared your attitudes so they sparkle, so do you, and Action organically flows. N – No (and Yes). Change involves having good boundaries. Know what you are saying “no” to, and what you are saying “yes” to. Making decisions takes responsibility; and, therefore, you experience that having choice is really about having freedom. G – Goals. What, exactly, do you want to accomplish, dream of accomplishing? And in what areas? e.g. professional, physical, intimacy, financial, spirituality, fun? We work together to help you realize your dreams. E – Energy, Enjoyment, Excellence, Empowerment. When Einstein discovered the equation for transforming matter into energy (a definite sign that The Change Works), it was a blast!